29 June 2008

Join the declutter crew

Taking a break from the stresses of the week, I had some time today to reflect on a trend that I have noticed whilst catching up with my favorite blogs: downsizing and decluttering for a simplified life. My HOST friends quirky, booger and mava are now following the declutter mantra too - and I have to admit, it is really quite liberating. Choosing between food and extras makes one wake up to the realization that things are changing - and like it or not, you have to change with them.

I have been working for months now to declutter the things that have piled up in my life from dealing with the stresses of changes in my world. One thing that I have noticed is that as the clutter piles up, it seems like a physical manifestation of the stress in my mind - something that I have not been dealing with very well this past year. Dealing with my clutter has also forced me to deal with my stress, and somehow, dealing with that stress has caused a shift in my mindset: to see this as a time to make changes for the better.

I will leave you with my declutter mantra that I have been sharing with my friends...

Declutter Crew: have you found your 27 items to put away, donate or toss today? Remember that you didn't make the clutter happen overnight, and you won't make it go away overnight. Slow and steady wins the race! Find your inspiration for ridding your life of clutter and hang on tight - it's gonna be a bumpy ride...

24 June 2008